Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dear Ophelia....

    Your time with us seemed to go so fast. I've never wished for this to happen to you or to anyone. These last few days before Opelia passed, multiple tragedies occurred. First, our King was found dead. Then Polonius, and now Ophelia. She was a kind young woman, who always tried to follow her dads examples and try to be the best daughter she could. We all knew she loved him very much. Also, she was always modest and calm when she was around others, until the death of her father and Hamlet's madness began.
     Unfortuanetly, Ophelia spent he last moments alone. She was found drowned in a river, but I don't believe she did it on purpose or to hurt others becuase of her death. I believe she needed some way to escape all the terrible things and feelings she had. As well as her sense of sanity was not very well, so she couldn't control he actions or recognize this decision. I wished this never happened but I feel as though she's in a better place now.